Chloe Charles ‘25

Hometown: Watertown, NY
Undergraduate institution and major(s), minor(s): University at Albany, SUNY; Major - Psychology, Minors - Criminal Justice and Sociology
Graduate Institution and Degree: SUNY Buffalo State, MA in Criminal Justice

Legal Interests: Criminal litigation

Law School activities: Buffalo Public Interest Law Program, Student Bar Association

Why did you choose UB School of Law?: I love the Buffalo area because there is always so much to do, and every alumni I met loved the school.

One piece of advice for accepted students: Closed mouths don’t get fed. Use your resources and ask for help when you need it. Law school can be challenging, but do not make it harder on yourself!

One fun fact about yourself: Growing up, I competitively danced, and in college I continued to dance and choreograph.

Use your resources and ask for help when you need it. Law school can be challenging, but do not make it harder on yourself!

woman standing outside during the day, in front of a decorative fountain.

Have questions about being a law student? Contact Chloe (