O'Brian Hall.

Information for Faculty & Staff

School of Law faculty and staff can use this page to find information pertaining to the administrative functions of the school.

Information not found on this page can be found on our student pages.

On this page:

HUB Faculty Center

You may access your HUB Faculty Center via MyUB.  The HUB Faculty Center will allow you to view any classes where you were an instructor for current and previous semesters; view class lists and student photos; email your class; and post grades.  An overview of your HUB Faculty center can be a helpful way to navigate the various areas.


UBLearns is centrally supported.  Extensive information on using UBLearns, as well as class set-up can be found on the UBLearns for Faculty page.

Teaching Assistants

If you are selecting a student to be a teaching assistant (TA) for one of your JD classes here are a few things to consider:

  • Approval of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs is required
  • Work assigned to the TA must qualify as academic work and requires sufficient in-class and out-of-class work
  • Limitations for teaching assistants can be found by visiting the Teaching Fellow Policy page.

Faculty Advising

Advisors are assigned to 1L, LL.M., and transfer students in their first year.  Students can view their advisor and email address in their HUB Student Center.

Class Registration

Records and Registration will enroll students in 1L classes.  All other law students are responsible for their own enrollment.  More information on student class enrollment, such as add/drop/resign dates can be found on our student page.

Wait List

When a class is designated to allow for a wait list, the student has the option during registration to wait list the class if the class is full.  Students who select this option are given a position on the wait list; if a seat opens in the class, eligible students are moved from the wait list in order of position number.

Permission of Instructor

If student registration in a course you are instructing is by application or permission simply send an email to law-records@buffalo.edu letting us know who the student is and in what class we should enroll the student.  If it's variable credit don't forget to tell us how many credits!

When scheduling courses for each semester our office will assign permission numbers and will send them to you or the staff in your office to be given out as students are accepted for the course or program.  Students will then be able to self-enroll. For Independent Study courses students must ask the instructor to sign a form that needs to be submitted to the office of Records and Registration. We will then register the student.


You can view the exam schedule for your class via your HUB Faculty Center.  Students can view the date and time for their final examinations via their HUB Student Center.  Examination policies can be found on the student Records and Registration page.


ExamSoft software is used by students to take exams on their laptops.

More information on ExamSoft can be found here.

Helpful tips for creating your exams

On the title/Cover page list the following:

  1.     Professor's name
  2.     Course name
  3.     Course number
  4.     Semester
  5.     "There are ___ pages in this exam. Be sure you have all the pages before you begin"
  6.     Number of hours allowed
  • Print page numbers on every page
  • For in-class exams state what printed materials are allowed in the exam room, or that the exam is 'Closed Book", meaning no outside materials are allowed
  • The software does not have 'pages' - it is continuous typing. If you want to limit the number of pages you will need to use a word count limit.
  • Multiple Choice and True/False questions can be answered on ExamSoft. You will need to send us an answer key on an excel spreadsheet.


Final grading is done in your HUB Faculty Center.  Information on how to grade can be found here.

Grade Due Dates

The Academic Calendar contains all grading deadlines.

Unlocking Law School Classrooms

The following rooms have swipe card access and are unlocked Monday-Friday from 7:30AM-7:30PM.

Basement – rooms 10 & 12

1st floor – rooms 106, 107, & 108

3rd floor –  room 305

4th floor – room 406

7th floor – room 706

To access the above mentioned spaces during afterhours or on weekends, you must use a UB ID card. Faculty (including adjuncts) and staff of the Law School and Law Library will automatically have access to these spaces with the use of your UB ID card. 


When planning your class the Credit hour policy can be helpful as it defines how many in class and out of class hours students need to be engaged in based on the number of credits the class is awarding.

The General Academic Requirements and Policies (GARP) are based on a student's year of maticulation to a law school.

If using a teaching assistant for a JD class, view the policy regarding Teaching and Writing Fellows

Who to Call

Classroom Concerns

Locked Classroom Student Affairs 645-6223
Locked Classroom (after 4PM) Koren AV 645-2045
Make-up or Review Session Records & Registration 645-2060
Audio Visual Audio Visual 645-2045

Instructional Technology

(Requests and Help)

IT Services 645-7393

Other Helpful Areas

Student Concerns Michael Hilburger mbh7@buffalo.edu
Student Concerns Jamila Lee jamilale@buffalo.edu
Course Concerns Christine P. Bartholomew
Experiential Learning Bernadette Gargano