Haley Case '24

Hometown: Batavia

Undergraduate Institution and Major(s)/Minor(s): UB- Communications

Graduate Institution and Degree (if applicable): Buffalo State- Higher Education Administration

Legal Interests: Education/ Corporate Law; Family Law, Employment and Labor Law

Why did you choose UB School of Law? I am originally from Batavia and back in high school during a legal academy program we visited the School of Law and I immediately fell in love with the campus and decided to come here for undergrad. When I was exploring law schools, I really liked the energy and close-knit community at UB.

Make sure you go to a school that seems like a good fit for you and you will be comfortable.

Haley in front of City Hall, wearing Bulls' clothing.

Haley visits Buffalo's City Hall when the Bills were the 2021 AFC East champions.

One piece of advice for accepted students: Make sure you go to a school that seems like a good fit for you and you will be comfortable. You may think that somewhere competitive will help more with job prospects, but it may not allow you to succeed. Finding somewhere where the students, faculty and staff are friendly will end up being an extremely important thing when trying to navigate a stressful and new environment.

One fun fact about yourself: During the huge November winter storm in Buffalo about six years ago, I was able to avoid it because my volleyball team at GCC had just flown out to NJCAA nationals in Phoenix, Arizona.

Please share a uniquely Buffalo experience you have had. For my 22nd birthday weekend, I spent the Friday and Saturday down in Ellicottville for Fall Fest, and then came back to go to the Bills game on a school bus with all my friends. It was a very Buffalo in the fall weekend!

What is your favorite book and why? Jane Erye, I read it in high school, and I just thought it was such a well written, interesting and romantic books. I like a lot of Jane Austen books as well, but I thought Jane Erye was easy enough to read many times.

Do you have a pet/pets? Tells us about them: I have two cats, Thackery Binx (a fluffy black cat) and Fitzwilliam Darcy (a sleek gray cat). They are one and a half years old and the most playful, funny cats in the world. They are very close and act like brothers. My sister also has two cats, Mia and George, and my parents have four cats that I spend a lot of time with as well.

Have questions about being a law student? Contact Haley (haleycas@buffalo.edu).